Jorge Lucas



I have learned to share knowledge, always considering the quality of the software applying and sharing the testing pyramid concepts, looking for the best practices, and understanding the project core business.

Software Engineer & Tech Lead.

Experienced Software Engineer, working since 2012. Skilled in Java, Spring, AWS, GCP, Serverless, Infra-as-Code, NodeJs, Go, CI/CD, Trunk-based Development.

  • Birthday: 12 Mar 1991
  • Website:
  • Phone: +55 (19) 99756-1811
  • City: Jaguariúna/SP, BRA

I have always kept myself up to date with the most recent market technologies. I have always had a critical look turning problems into opportunities, and above all, I have learned to respect people.






Java 100%
AWS 90%
JavaScript 75%
Testing Pyramid 90%
CI/CD 70%
GoLang 60%
Docker 90%
GCP 55%
GCP 55%
Clean Archtecture 85%



MBA in Java Application

2015 - 2016

IGTI - Instituto de Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação

Bachelor of Computer Science

2010 - 2014

University of Jaguariúna

Professional Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2023 - Present

Picpay, São Paulo, SP

  • Back to the origins of software development with Java and Spring

Senior Software Engineer

2022 - 2023

Guru Investimentos, São Paulo/SP, Brazil

  • I challanged myself to learn a new language programming

Professional Experience

Tech Lead

2022 - 2022

Zup It Innovation, Uberlândia/MG, Brazil

  • Technical leadership of an AWS cloud development team on Java platform
  • I worked next to the client's leadership to organize, unlock and accelerate the development of critical financial applications. In addition
  • I work in the career development of team members.

Software Engineer

2015 - 2022

CI&T Software, Campinas/SP, Brazil

  • Acting as a key developer, I was able to help in the development of core features of backend and frontend systems
  • Always working as a team for the benefit of the client, sharing knowledge and also working on the architecture part,
  • proposing solutions and actively participating in technical reviews.

Analyst Developer

2012 - 2015

Stefanini IT Solutions, Jaguariúna/SP, Brazil

  • As a developer, I could contribute with many code lines
  • learned a lot about microservices, web development and agile methodologies,


  • All
  • Java
  • Cloud

Java 1


Cloud 1




Ceo & Founder

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Let your testemonial here!